B.D.M. International

Rabindra Jayanti Celebration – 2022

BDMI Rabindranath Jayanti 2022 1000 1000

B.D.M.I. presented ‘FACETS OF TAGORE’ on the occasion of Rabindra Jayanti

“Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.”- Tagore.

B.D.M. International celebrated Rabindra Jayanti’s titled ‘Facets of Tagore ‘on 6th May 2022 to mark the 161st birth anniversary of the Bard of Bengal. A sincere tribute to Tagore was paid through an array of performances that included Choir- a medley of mellifluous musical presentation, a humorous recital of Tagore’s poem ‘Ami aj Kanai Master’, the eye-catching fashion show depicting the legendary characters from the canvas of Tagorian Literature and a dance drama ‘Amar sakol rasher dhara’ presenting the graceful and rhythmic moves from the collection of Tagore’s illustrious literary works. The students from toddlers to senior secondary level took part in ‘Facets of Tagore’ and were enthralled all through their mesmerizing performances. This cultural program had been staged with an aim to bring a smile to every face and spread happiness. The Interact Club members of the school took an active initiative to reach out to the community by giving away tokens of goodwill to the less fortunate children from Ananda Mandir, an NGO.

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