B.D.M. International

Interact Club Activity

Interact Club Activity

“Without Community Service, we would not have a strong quality of life”- Dorothy Height
Four Interact Club members and two teachers of B.D.M. International visited ‘Mon Majhi – Alzheimer’s and Dementia Day Care and Residential Centre’, situated in the heart of Kolkata near Chingrighata on 9th March 2023 as a part of the Community Outreach Program. They were unfathomably touched by the warmth of love and hospitality.
The students had an engaging interaction with the elderly members followed by activities of merriment with music, songs, dance and poetry. Amidst cheering and clapping, the students and the elderly danced to the tunes of ‘fagun haway haway, dekho aloy aloy Akash, boshonte ese geche’, and many more Bengali songs. Along with fun and frolic, the students were also enlightened with valuable lessons of life that the inmates had gained over the years. One of our students, Amrita Deb, while sharing her experience, said that she was reminded of her grandparents and the love, care, and affection that she received from the inmates melted her heart as well. Before bidding goodbye, the Interactors presented them with individual gifts as tokens of love, reverence and gratitude and received the blessings of the elderly as their precious ‘return gifts’.
The Interactors were indeed grateful to the school for getting this opportunity. To our students, it was not only a heart-touching visit but also a reminder of the responsibilities that they have towards the elderly members of the community. ‘There is no higher religion than human service’ and this memorable visit truly substantiated this parable of learning.

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