B.D.M. International

Netaji Jayanti 2024

Netaji Jayanti 2024

“Life loses half its interest if there is no struggle – if there are no risks to be taken” – Subhash Chandra Bose.
On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the students of B.D.M International took the opportunity to show their respect towards him. The spirit of courage, valour, and patriotism that have been instilled in the citizens of this country was revived by the performance of the students. From vivid poster making, to melodious rendition of patriotic songs and speeches, the students of B.D.M. International were successful in showcasing the significance of the day and making it a memorable one.

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BDMI Doctors Day 2024 WT

Doctors’ Day 2024

BDMI | Doctors’ Day | 2024Pre primary students of B.D.M. International paid tribute to the doctors through various activities.  They participated in Role Play, learnt about different doctors’ specialisations and prepared a First Aid box for their classes.A dental check-up 

World Reading Day 2024

“The more you read, the more things you know.” Dr. Suess B.D.M. International celebrated Reading Day, emphasizing the importance of reading.

BDMI Inter house Yoga Competition 2024

House Yoga Competition

To celebrate the grand occasion of International Yoga Day, B.D.M. International hosted an Inter-House Yoga competition where the students from all houses viz. Unity, Courage, Justice and Wisdom showcased remarkable talent and dedication through a series of captivating yoga asanas. 

Taaza TV news coverage

Taaza TV news coverage

Success is a life-long journey of continuous growth and development.” Session 2023 – 24 has witnessed students of B.D.M. INTERNATIONAL scoring excellent results in the CBSE examination. The motivating words of  Mr. Shailesh Khaitan, our Chairman and Principal, Ms.Madhumita Sengupta 

BDMI World Earth Day 2024 WT

Earth Day 2024

Let’s preserve this land, which is our place of birth, Let’s hold hands together to save our Earth. To enrich our learners with the significance of our beloved planet, B.D.M. International organized a colourful event on the occasion of “Earth 

BDMI Career Fair at B.D.M. International Road Map to Students' Bright Future 2024 WT

Career Fair at B.D.M. International – Road Map to Students’ Bright Future

“The future depends on what you do today.”- Mahatma Gandhi B.D.M. International organized a career fair on 23 March, 2024 at Gemstone Building. More than one hundred and fifty students from the Science, Commerce, Financial Markets Management and Humanities stream 

World Health Day 2024

World Health Day

B.D.M. International celebrated World Health Day emphasizing the importance of a healthy mind and body. The day was filled with insightful discussions, fun-filled activities and a skit highlighting the significance of health and well-being in young minds.