B.D.M. International

Students of BDMI Explore Science City

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On August 3, 2019, on a partly sunny Saturday morning,when rain didn’t play a spoilsport, around 320 enthusiastic students of BDMI and 18 teachers explored the largest science centre in the Indian subcontinent of Kolkata, The Science City. Managed by the National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, and Government of India, Science City didn’t fail to awe the students with its upgraded and updated information on science and evolution.

The students commenced their journey from school at 9am and as they reached Science City they were guided to the Dynamotion Hall where scientific phenomenon could be appreciated and understood when it could be seen happening. It was an exciting journey to the world of science. The students found pleasure by creating music while walking on the floor piano, making soap bubbles float in air, manoeuvre the floating ball or peep into a well of infinite depth. A plethora of interactive exhibits stimulated the intrinsic and extrinsic faculty of the students and engrossed them in learning.

The Science on Sphere Show that is the brainchild of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration created immense excitement amongst the students. It displayed the animated real time images of the earth, its cloud cover, vegetation, various planets and their moon and the young minds of the students were visually stimulated.

The 3D show on Gala`pagos made the students travel to the world of Galapagos island and learn about their origin and unique fauna in evolutionary terms. It was followed by a 3D animated film on The Life of Trees – The Adventure of Dolores and Mike, an entertaining and educational full dome experience on the fascinating world of trees shown at the Space Theatre. The film positively enhanced the knowledge of the students about trees, the importance of plants for everyday life on earth.

The students also got the opportunity to witness the digital panoramic presentation, first of its kind, a unique immersive experience depicting the important milestones during the last 6 million years of human evolution. The presentation depicted the evolution of various human species, bi-pedalism of human beings, making of early stone tools, advanced tools, hunting techniques, cave dwellings and cave paintings, burial system and community living in an ambience of pre-historic period with mannequins of pre-historic human species, animals and plants in the foreground.

The inquisitive minds of the students were thoroughly nourished by the exhibits and shows as they returned happy, and scientifically enriched.

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