B.D.M. International

Search Results for cbse

Circular Offline Classes resume from 24th April 2023 Posted: 24 April, 2023 Online Classes Notice for Secondary (16th April 2023) Posted: 16 April, 2023 Online Classes Notice for Primary (16th April 2023) Posted: 16 April, 2023 Online Classes Notice for 
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Shining Stars Congratulations to the ‘Shining Stars’ of B.D.M. INTERNATIONAL! “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out” – Robert Collier B.D.M. International conveys its warmest congratulations to all the achievers for their stellar performance 
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TIMES NIE Principal’s Seminar 2024 Bharat School Ranking 2023-2024 Certificate Intach Filimit India Film Festival Our Principal, Ms. Madhumita Sengupta – honoured for excellence in “Integrating Technology in Education at B.D.M. International” at Eldrok India K-12 Summit EducationToday – India 
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BDMI family has over 280 committed, qualified and experienced faculty and over 50 supporting staff whose diligence and passion for excellence has stood the test of time. Their vast experience combined with the constant training offered to them at B.D.M. 
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GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS Students should follow the school’s disciplinary norms. The students should converse in English inside the school premises. Speaking in vernacular is strictly prohibited. Every student should take proper care of school property and damaging or disfiguring 
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Transport Rules Bus Routes Transport Form Transport Rules and Regulations Parents are requested to submit the “School Transportation Request Form” along with all the details. Seat Confirmation is made based on the availability of seats/routes. Form to be filled only 
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B.D.M.International organized the 6th edition of FINQUEST at Gemstone Auditorium on 23rd November, 2019. The Judge’s chair was graced by Mr. Diptendra Roy Choudhury – the Deputy Manager of National Stock Exchange. The Annual presentation started at 10 a.m. and 
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Latest Events

World Reading Day 2024

“The more you read, the more things you know.” Dr. Suess B.D.M. International celebrated Reading Day, emphasizing the importance of reading.

BDMI Inter house Yoga Competition 2024

House Yoga Competition

To celebrate the grand occasion of International Yoga Day, B.D.M. International hosted an Inter-House Yoga competition where the students from all houses viz. Unity, Courage, Justice and Wisdom showcased remarkable talent and dedication through a series of captivating yoga asanas. 

Taaza TV news coverage

Taaza TV news coverage

Success is a life-long journey of continuous growth and development.” Session 2023 – 24 has witnessed students of B.D.M. INTERNATIONAL scoring excellent results in the CBSE examination. The motivating words of  Mr. Shailesh Khaitan, our Chairman and Principal, Ms.Madhumita Sengupta 

BDMI World Earth Day 2024 WT

Earth Day 2024

Let’s preserve this land, which is our place of birth, Let’s hold hands together to save our Earth. To enrich our learners with the significance of our beloved planet, B.D.M. International organized a colourful event on the occasion of “Earth 

BDMI Career Fair at B.D.M. International Road Map to Students' Bright Future 2024 WT

Career Fair at B.D.M. International – Road Map to Students’ Bright Future

“The future depends on what you do today.”- Mahatma Gandhi B.D.M. International organized a career fair on 23 March, 2024 at Gemstone Building. More than one hundred and fifty students from the Science, Commerce, Financial Markets Management and Humanities stream 

World Health Day 2024

World Health Day

B.D.M. International celebrated World Health Day emphasizing the importance of a healthy mind and body. The day was filled with insightful discussions, fun-filled activities and a skit highlighting the significance of health and well-being in young minds.

Borsho Boron 2024

Borsho Boron

The cultural diversity is the true essence of India. To propagate its essence among all, the students of BDM International celebrated Borsho Boron with great enthusiasm and fervour on 12th April 2024 to embark on a new beginning. The mesmerizing